Tuesday, 26 February 2013


My work space this week doesn't really demonstrate my great crafting weekend as I decamped to the dining room!! but thought I would show the trail left behind. Had a lovely weekend scrapbooking with my friend Jackie on Saturday then spending at the Stamperama on Sunday.

This is a page for my sisters Wedding Album which is coming along......my deadline of the 10th Anniversary in September looms and I just know it will be here soon so I did 3 pages but only finished one completely which is here.........

I really love the picture of my Mum and her best friend Shirley. Shirley (in pink) sadly passed away at the end of last year and is really missed, it was so lovely looking at the photos of them both and remembering them on the Hen night.

Friday, 22 February 2013

Nearly the weekend

Yippeee.....nearly the weekend and what a treat we have in store, crafting with a friend all day Saturday, really must get some pages for the wedding scrapbook done the STAMPERAMA at Stevenage on Sunday and an opportunity to collect more crafty stash.

Meanwhile it's just started snowing here - YUK!

Thank you to everyone who commented on my WOYWW, lots of questions about Bumping - if you want to know more check out PaperArtsy You Tube for a great demonstration.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013


Oh what fun we had making this creative mess! My friend Jackie came for a few days and on the way over picked up my order from Capture the Magic at Soham of PaperArtsy Fresco paints, so armed with about 20 new colours we set off on our painting extravaganzer...........

We had a go at some new techniques,  "bumping" was one of them, we tried and tried but could not seem to get the look we were after, until,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Yes, you guessed it, I cleaned my mask on scrap paper with a baby wipe and lo and behold "BUMPING"!!
Overall I had great fun and recommend it. But watch out if you get the bug it's all consuming and cards/scrapbooking go by the wayside.



I spent some time with my nephew on Friday - he loves playing making robots and is always ready for a photo opportunity for me to add to his scrapbook

We were talking about journalling and he has been saying to his Mum he NEEDS a journal - is almost 5years too early to start your creativity? His birthday is coming up so a journal is certainly on the list for him