Tuesday, 27 August 2013

The Album

Hi folks,

Yippee........yes, you guessed it the Wedding Album is complete, I am so grateful to my good friend Jackie (check her out at www.scrapbangwallop.blogspot.com), Jackie is a keen scrap booker, her work is beautiful and often published. As a card maker I resisted the world of scrapping until Jackie presented me with an empty wedding album and encouraged me to use my wedding snaps to make the album for my sister. So this has been my first attempt and I have enjoyed the process - over time I have been less worried about the perfect picture or perfect page and learnt to enjoy telling the story and remembering the events of the lead up to the day as well as the day, if I had my time again I would do some pages differently but the learning curve has been phenomenal and if you are thinking about doing an album I would recommend you have a go and not be afraid of the 12 x 12 page!

My sister and brother in law celebrate their 10th Wedding Anniversary in September (No ...I haven't taken 10 years to do 1 album but it has felt like that at times)

I have had several comments asking to see if finished article - so here it finally is........

 I covered up the RSVP address here before photographing

My nephew has been interested and excited about this album, he wanted the final page to say ...."and then .......along came the prince" I have adapted that slightly and managed to find a Christmas picture for each year since his arrival

1 comment:

  1. Couldn't wait for you to put your link on WOYWW had to come and see the last pages you have done!
    Lisa will just love it, I'm sure it is fantastic!
    I am so pleased you have put all the pages on your blog so you can see it all.
    I think the Anna Griffin choice of papers suits the pictures and very much in line with your sisters choice in decor.... All in all it's a work of art and you must be so proud!
    Jackie 39
    P.s love what you did with Henry
