Wednesday, 7 August 2013


There has been mad clear up of everything from my dining room table to the craft room as I had a friend calling for coffee this morning and would have been ashamed for him to see my creative mess - so it all got thrown into the craft room with the door firmly closed on the chaos.

Clearing up this evening,.....maybe....possibly......

What have I been doing lately? I attended a workshop with Jo Firth Young (JOFY) if you don't have any of her stamps then check them out - I have been inspired to make a picture for a friends birthday

I realise I still have some way to go in my painting technique and as is so often the case I am filled with self doubt about whether it's good enough to give to someone, but she is a fellow crafter and I know will appreciate the effort even if it's not perfect.


  1. The card is lovely! I'm sure your friend will be delighted to receive it, especially as she crafts. Julie Ann xx #41

  2. Jo FY does do some lovely stamps, and your card is lovely as well. Never mind about the desk. Francesca #68

  3. The card looks great and she will love it!!!
    Think all your stuff hidden in the craft room will be safe from visitors eyes!!!!!
    Jackie 29

  4. That picture is just great. Of course your friend will be delighted to receive it - it's beautiful and well painted. Well done.
    have a great week.
    Margaret #68

  5. I am sure your friend is going to love her present as much as I have enjoyed seeing it on your post today. Its so very pretty! Happy WOYWW! Danie #14

  6. There's nothing to doubt gal, your friend will love ae you made it and because it's a stunner.

  7. That should read BECAUSE you made it..sorry, ipad and google wont let me edit my comments!
    I've seen lots of cards made with these lovely stamps and none better than yours...enjoy the process and enjoy the giving.

  8. Dont doubt yourself its lovely - loving those stamps.

    Lynda #82

  9. Gorgeous picture, and you know your friend will see the beauty, and love the time, thought & effort you made to create it! I think we only see what we consider to be the flaws in our own work- someone else looking at it only sees the good in it.Have a great week, Hugs Shaz #118 xx

  10. Hi Kim, this is Kim!!! I don't know what your worried about, your card is beautiful. I love nature themed cards. I can guarentee your friend will love it!! My b'day is Nov 22. Mark your calendar. :D Have a great weekend. (((HUGS)))
    WOYWW #4

  11. Hi Kim, nice to find another Essex blogger on here. Sadly we all doubt our work which is why this weekly hop and the comments encourage us. I love your work, so delicate and pretty! Self doubt will hold you back, just go for it.
    Finally getting round to visiting, it has been a hectic week. Thank you for visiting me.
    Karen #69
